Iman Taghavi, Postdoc


Iman Taghavi

Iman Taghavi Postdoc Department of Health Technology Phone: +45 45253915


I received a Ph.D. in 2022 in super-resolution ultrasound imaging from Technical University of Denmark. This project was primarily focused on developing a super-resolution processing pipeline for a commercial ultrasound scanner. Super-resolution ultrasound imaging is a technique which tracks contrast agents or microbubbles inside the bloodstream down to the very smallest vessels. Therefore, it is capable of resolving very small vessels and capillary flows that are impossible to see via conventional ultrasound imaging. It has high potential as a breakthrough in medical imaging with clinical applications in diagnoses and treatment of vascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes.

Current research


As a postdoc, I am working on a processing pipeline for an ultrasound research scanner, covering various aspects of super-resolution imaging from data acquisition and processing to design and validation. My responsibilities include data collection, development, and optimization of 2D and 3D super-resolution processing algorithms, design, and optimization of imaging sequences for super-resolution imaging, and printing 3D micro flow hydrogel phantoms for validation and educational purposes.


About Iman:

Iman studied electrical engineering at University of Isfahan, Iran. His research interests include signal processing and its applications in radars, array sensors, and biomedical imaging.