Research Section
UltraSound and Biomechanics (USB)

Head of Section: Jørgen Arendt Jensen
The Section for ultrasound and Biomechanics develops and investigates advanced ultrasound methods from the basic acoustics to the clinic and everything in between. This includes development of advanced silicon transducers, 3D printed phantoms, advanced fluid simulations, construction of ultrasound research scanners, state-of-the-art ultrasound simulation, synthetic aperture imagingalgorithms, tensor velocity imaging, animal studies and clinical investigations. The science includes the invention of methods, patenting, and translation into commercial products.
The Section encompasses three groups: Cardiovascular biomechanics, MEMS, and Center for Fast Ultrasound Imaging (CFU). And it is currently funded by a Grand Solutions grants from the Innovation Fund Denmark and by a Synergy Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
Research Groups
Head of Section:
Jørgen Arendt Jensen Head of Section, Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Techn. Phone: +45 45253924 Mobile: 40 42 51 50