
DTU Health Tech contributes to the following courses at DTU.

Course no.      Title Points (ECTS) Timetable group
10031 Introduction to Engineering Physics 10 E1A, F1A
10035 Laboratory work in engineering physics 5 January
10321 Nanosystems engineering 10 E2
10855 Advanced fabrication of micro- and nanostructures 10 E2, E5
12350 Introduction to Indoor Environment 5 E5B
22000 Acoustic Communication 10 E1
22001 Acoustic signal processing 5 E5B
22002 Experimental hearing science 5 January
22003 Auditory signal processing and perception 10 F1
22004 Music technology and music perception 5 June
22005 Advanced topics in hearing research 5 F, E
22050 Continuous time signals and linear systems 5 F3A
22051 Signals and linear systems in discrete time 5 E1B
22052 Applied signal processing 10 F2
22053 Principles of brain computer interface 5 January
22054 Literature study in biomedical signal analysis 5 E
22057 Advanced Topics in Digital Health 5 F, E
22060 Mobile Health Technology 5 January
22061 Introduction to Digital Health 5 E5A
22100 R for Bio Data Science 5 E3A
22101 Introduction to programming in Life Science using Python 5 E3A
22102 Applied Single Cell Bioinformatics 5 January
22107 Research Immersion, Life Science 5 August
22111 Introduction to Bioinformatics 5 E4A
22112 High Performance Computing in Life Science 5 E2A
22113 Unix & Python Programming for Bioinformaticians 10 F2
22115 Computational Molecular Evolution 5 F5B
22117 Protein structure and computational biology 5 F5A
22123 Computational Precision Medicine 5 June
22125 Algorithms in bioinformatics 5 June
22126 Next-Generation-Sequencing Analysis 5 January
22140 Introduction to Systems Biology 5 E1B
22145 Immunological Bioinformatics 5 E5A
22160 R for Bio Data Science 5 E3A
22161 Introduction to programming in Life Science using Python, MSc 5 E3A
22163 Unix & Python Programming for Bioinformaticians, MSc 10 F2
22175 Algorithms in bioinformatics, PhD 5 June
22179 Module 3: Value creation in pharma- and biotechnology 5 January, June
22180 Design-build in Life Science 10 E5A, January, E5B
22201 Immune System, Anatomy & Development 5 F4B
22202 Molecular diagnostics and precision medicine 5 F2A
22203 Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate a Healthcare Product 10 E3B, January
22205 Project in healthcare engineering, June 5 June
22206 Project in healthcare engineering, August 5 August
22207 Project in healthcare engineering, January 5 January
22208 Human Physiology 5 E2B
22210 Immune System in Health and Disease 5 E1B
22211 Basic Techniques in Immunology 5 OutsideSchedule
22230 Development and production of vaccines 5 F4A
22231 Module 1: From idea to project plan in biotech and pharmaceutical research 5 E4B, E3B
22232 Drug delivery – using nano and microtechnologies 5 August
22235 Drug delivery 5 F5B
22236 Immunotherapy 5 F2B
22237 Preclinical drug development 5 E5A
22281 Biomaterials 5 F3B
22282 Advanced Topics in Biomaterials Science and Engineering 3 OutsideSchedule
22283 Molecular thermodynamics, transport, and analytics 10 E4
22284 Living models of body barriers and organs 5 F4A
22285 Applied Biomaterials 5 E4B
22400 Design-build 4: Autonomous devices for controlling and studying living systems 5 June
22403 Micro and Nano Sensors 5 August
22435 Biomedical product development 10 E4
22437 Rapid Prototyping of AC Sensor Systems using Arduino Technology 10 E4
22438 Rapid Prototyping of analogue DC Sensor Systems 5 E5A
22439 Rapid Prototyping of Digital Sensor Systems 5 F5A
22446 Engineering World Health Summer School in Biomedical Instrumentation 5 June
22481 Introduction to medical imaging 5 E1B
22485 Medical imaging systems 10 E2
22486 Literature study in medical ultrasound 5 E, F
22487 Advanced ultrasound research tools 10 OutsideSchedule
22506 Medical magnetic resonance imaging 5 F1B
22507 Advanced magnetic resonance imaging 5 E2B
22508 Practical NMR spectroscopy: Making reactions in (bio)chemistry visible 5 June
22510 Biomedical prototyping 5 F4A
22511 Biomedical optics 5 E4A
22512 Optical biosensors 5 E5A
22513 Biophotonics 5 June
22525 Medical Image Analysis 5 E4A
22530 Computational radiation dosimetry 5 January
22600 Fabrication of micro- and nanostructures 5 E3A
22602 Visualisation of micro and nano structures 5 F5A
22603 Light microscopy for life science 5 E3A
22604 Optical Sensing and Imaging Systems Journal Club 2.5 OutsideSchedule
22610 Physics in Health Technology 5 E2B
22611 Research immersion - Physics in Health Technology, MSc 5 January
22612 Research immersion - Physics in Health Technology, BSc 5 January
22652 Experimental project in physics and nanotechnology 5 F, E
22656 Experimental project in physics and nanotechnology 5 January
22680 Computer-based Introduction to Data Analysis for Physics, Nano-, and Health Technology 5 E1B, E
22681 Topics in Advanced Micro and Nanofabrication 5 OutsideSchedule
22800 DTU Health Tech PhD Introductory Course 5 F, E
25106 Introduction to genetic methods in engineering 5 E5B
26211 Biophysics and biophysical chemistry 5 F4B
27016 Design-Build 1: Devices for measuring cell growth 5 January
27023 Experimental biochemistry 5 June
27070 Immunology 5 F1B
27510 Biosensors and bioanalysis 5 F1A
34840 Fundamentals of acoustics and noise control 5 E3A
34847 Innovation Camp 5 August
41685 Materials characterization and testing 5 F1B
KU002 Human Biology 10 E3, E4
KU003 Human Diseases for Non-Clinicians 10 F3, F4
KU004 Clinical methods in diagnosis and treatment 5 F1A
KU005 Modelling of physiological systems 5 E2A
KU006 Introduction to clinical practise in Hospitals 5 June
KU010 Biomechanics of the Locomotor System 7.5 E5A
KU011 Cell and Tissue Biology 10 E5A, E5B, E3B
KU012 Medical Science and Technology Studies 2.5 E4B
KU101 Pathophysiology 10 E1
KU103 Biomechanics and Neural Control of Human Movement 10 F2
KU105 Advanced Physiological Modelling 10 E5
KU112 Physics of Molecular Diseases 7.5 F
KU113 Laboratory Animal Science Function ABD 7.5 OutsideSchedule
KU115 Pharmacometrics 7.5 E3A, E2B, E1B
KU180 Medical Use of Radiation 10 E5
KU181 Radioactive Isotopes and Ionizing Radiation 7.5 F2A, F3B