Medical dosimetry

The ionizing radiation dosimetry section at DTU Health Tech performs research within the field of medical dosimetry. The main aim is to develop new improved methods for measurement of the absorbed dose to water, for example, in MV photon beams from linear accelerators used at hospitals for cancer treatments. The work can essentially be divided into three types of projects:

  • Clinically oriented projects: These projects are normally carried out in close collaboration with Danish hospitals on the basis of specific clinical needs.Such projects can be related to the introduction of new treatment techniques or to new possibilities for online in vivo dosimetry during existing techniques.
  • Detector oriented projects: The focus of these projects is on the measurement technology - primarily using in-house development of new detector systems (e.g. fiber-coupled luminescence detectors).
  • New standards and calibration procedures: These metrology projects have the purpose to develop new standards and accredited calibration procedures. The aim is to secure traceability to the gray (Gy) in the international system of units (SI), and to minimize uncertainties. Current interests include (i) calorimetry, (ii) dosimetry in strong magnetic fields (MR-linac dosimetry), (iii) dosimetry in scanned proton beams, and (iv) calibration of ionization chambers in cobalt-60 and MV acccelerator beams.

The research is the fundation for our professional short-courses in medical dosimetry and ISO-17025 accredited calibration services:

DTU Health Tech operates the "Laboratory for Fundamental Medical Dosimetry" (LFMD). This laboratory was established in 2014 based on a large donation from the John and Birthe Meyer Foundation. The laboratory contains a medical linear accelerator, a cobalt-60 irradiator, and advanced instrumentation for dosimetry research.


Christina Ankjærgaard
Head of Dosimetry, senior researcher
DTU Health Tech
+45 93 51 19 80


Claus E. Andersen
Senior researcher
DTU Health Tech
+45 46 77 49 12


Mark Bailey
R&D Engineer
DTU Health Tech
+45 93 51 14 80


Arne Miller
Specialist Consultant
DTU Health Tech
+45 46 77 42 24