DTU Health Tech will provide new technology and solutions to improve patientcare

Health and diseases Health technology Biotechnology
On 1 January 2019, DTU established a new department, DTU Health Tech, where more than 300 researchers and administrative staff will contribute to the university’s new position of strength within the area of health technology.

The major challenges of the healthcare system open up for the possibility for technology to play a much more central role in the development of better solutions to benefit patients. Therefore, DTU has gathered big parts of its health related research in one department. Thus, making DTU Health Tech a world-class research platform to form the basis for new technology, new solutions and new educational directions that will improve the quality of patientcare and the population’s health and well-being.

World-class research

The department will attract the best researchers and students, and it will set the framework for a strong collaboration with both physicians and industry. The establishment takes place so DTU – as an international elite university, also within health technology – can support societal requirements in the best possible manner.

Collaboration in focus

The vision behind DTU Health Tech is that it will be the engine to bring DTU in the lead and make DTU a stronger brand in the health area, but the fuel for this strategic venture also comes from many other departments at DTU, where health related research will be embedded still. As such, collaboration with existing researchers and departments at DTU is of high importance, as well as collaboration with other operators in the health sector – primarily hospitals, pharma- and medico industry as well as national and international research networks.

Health tech engineers are in demand

The new department will also be a strong player in the education arena with five study lines, close to 100 courses and 140 PhD students.

Society demands engineers, who can solve technological challenges in the health area. A demand that the new department – DTU Health Tech – will help satisfy within the coming years.