Research Group

Group leader: Anja Boisen

Drug Delivery and Sensing
Besides from activities in the research groups Pharmaceutical Technology, MIDAS, and Optomechanical Biointerfaces research activities are carried out in the Center of Excellence (Center for Intelligent Drug Delivery og Nanomekaniske Sensorer (IDUN), Danmark Tekniske Universitet, DG). and the projects listed below.
In the Center for Intelligent Drug delivery and sensing Using microcontainers and Nanomechanics is funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and Villum Fonden. The Center was established in 2015 and is a collaboration between DTU, University of Copenhagen and SSI.
With the two main research areas ‘drug delivery’ and ‘sensing’, IDUN explores the great synergy between sensor development and search for new pharmaceutical tools and materials. IDUN Sensor gets, through IDUN Drug, access to unique polymers and biomolecules. Through IDUN Sensor, IDUN Drug is able to characterize, among others, small volumes of materials and molecules, which are today not possible to analyze by any standard technologies. By maintaining and strengthening the coupling between sensor and material development, IDUN creates a unique international environment with high creativity across scientific borders.
Ongoing research projects
Automated clinical platform for bedside monitoring of MTX

This project aims to advance therapeutic drug monitoring for methotrexate in pediatric oncology patients. We introduce a novel, rapid, and cost-effective platform that integrates Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) with centrifugal microfluidics to simplify methotrexate concentration measurements. This automated approach will enable bedside monitoring of patients by non-specialized personnel, improving accessibility and efficiency in patient care.
Funding: Børnecancerfonden

We grow cells on a centrifugal microfluidics platform. With a simple disc (same size as a DVD disc) we can grow cells in flow – and without the need for pumps and tubings.
Funding: NNF Distinguished Innovator, Distinguished Innovator Grant - Novo Nordisk Fonden

Oral drug delivery using self-unfolding devices to increase retention in the gut and proximity to the intestinal lining. We work with e.g insulin and vaccine delivery.
Funding: ERC Advanced grant, Apply for a grant | ERC (
How can we harvest or transform energy in the gut to fuel ingestible devices for drug delivery, sampling and sensing?
Funding: NNF Challenge grant, Challenge Programme - Novo Nordisk Fonden
Collaborative European project on detection of chemical threats using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS).
Funding: EU, Home - SERSing
New Raman based imaging system to be able to achieve super resolution.
Funding: NNF project in natural and technical sciences, Project Grants in the Natural and Technical Sciences 2023 - Novo Nordisk Fonden
PI Olesksii Ilchencko
Detection of bacteria in wounds using Raman-based technology
Funding: NNF Pioneer innovator program, Pioneer Innovator Grant - Novo Nordisk Fonden
PI Olesksii Ilchencko
Group leader
Anja Boisen Head of Sections, Professor Department of Health Technology Phone: +45 45255727 Mobile: +45 27285999